VICTA Young Achievers Award

Young Achievers Award


The fourth and final theme of the Young Achievers Award is Create. Time to get your creative juices flowing!

To earn your fourth pin badge, you need to complete 3 creative tasks between October and December. As the year draws to an end, find inspiration in what you’ve achieved so far!

The set VICTA create activity you are required to complete is…

Enter the VICTA Christmas decoration competition!

Enter our ‘Tree for Treats’ Christmas decoration competition! Your decoration will need to be hand made and able to be hung on a tree – other than that you can be as creative as you like! When making your decoration, really try and think about the added sensory elements it can have so that everyone can enjoy it! Make sure you send yours in before the closing date on 22 November 2023.

Find out how to enter on the VICTA website!

Enjoy last year’s gallery for inspiration.

Other Create activity ideas to tick off to earn your pin badge!

We’ve put together some activity ideas and opportunities for the Create theme below to help you get started. Don’t forget, if you’d like to come up with your own ideas, that’s brilliant too. Once you have completed 3 tasks, complete the evidence submission form at the bottom of this page so we can see what you’ve been up to.

Create some Braille art!

Create a piece of Braille artwork to be displayed in VICTA’s Braille Art Competition!

The competition isn’t open yet but you can still start creating.

Have a look at this year’s entries for inspiration>

Make a ‘journey’ stick

Journey sticks are really fun to make and a great way to show an achievement. You can make a journey stick to represent a literal journey such as walk you go on or an experience such as taking part in the Young Achievers Award.

Make a journey stick >

Decorate a tactile rock

Watch our tutorial to get started!

Do a piece of creative writing about something that is special to you

Write a story, article or poem. Perhaps you’d like to write a blog for our website!

If you love creative writing why not enter the BBC’s 500 Words competition? Entries close on 10 November.

Find out more here >

Create a piece of music in any way you want

Perhaps you play an instrument, love to sing or enjoy creating music on an app or your computer. Send us in your recording of your creation!

Make a comic book or animation

It’s your chance for your imagination to take centre stage you can add your own unique heroes and storyline.

Visit an art gallery/museum

It could be your local art gallery, or a national gallery like the Tate in London or Liverpool. Or how about the Story Museum in Oxford if creative writing is your thing? Take photos to share during your visit – you could even write a review!

Try tie dye

Watch Ruqaiya’s tutorial as she tie dye’s a VICTA t-shirt.

Take part in a theatre or dance class

If you’re into the performing arts we’d love to hear about it! Perhaps you go to ballet or street dance or drama club, we’d love to hear about your passions.

Terms and conditions

  • The Young Achievers Award is open to children aged 10 and under who are registered or are registrable as blind or partially sighted
  • Entrants must be permanent residents of the UK
  • For each theme, entrants must complete three activities – one set by VICTA and two of their choice
  • Evidence submission must be completed by a parent/carer
  • By submitting evidence for the award, you agree to your photos/videos, your child’s name and age being used by VICTA, including being displayed on the VICTA website, on our social media channels and on charity emails
  • Please note, the actual badges and medal you receive might differ to the ones in the illustrations

Enter your VICTA Young Achievers Create challenges

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
VICTA’s Young Achievers Award aims to improve a child’s confidence, resilience and creativity. Please complete the statements below, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, reflecting your child currently.

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