VICTA Young Achievers Award

Young Achievers Award


The first theme of the Young Achievers award is Science! Time to unlock your inner scientist and get experimenting…

To earn your first pin badge, you need to complete 3 science related tasks between January and March.

The set VICTA science activity you are required to complete is…

Create a tactile journey stick!

A journey stick is a memento of a nature walk, tying objects found on the walk to the stick. It can also be used to track changes in an environment. VICTA provided this challenge in the British Science Week ‘time’ themed community pack and we’d like you to take part as your set science challenge. You will need to take a stick on a walk with you and use it to record what you find along the way. Tie the natural items you discover to your stick using string or wool, starting with the end closest to your hand when holding it, progressively moving along as you tie more items to it. Take a photo to share with us.

Download the British Science Week Community Pack for the pdf worksheet

Other Science activity ideas to tick off to earn your pin badge!

We’ve put together some activity ideas and opportunities for the Science theme below to help you get started. Don’t forget, if you’d like to come up with your own ideas, that’s brilliant too. Once you have completed 3 tasks, complete the evidence submission form at the bottom of this page so we can see what you’ve been up to.

Please make sure you try any experiments with a grown up!

Attend our Young Achievers Science Family Day

Devon science logo

Apply for our science activity on Saturday 16 March in Somerset and take part in 3 exciting sensory science activities with Sciencedipity/Devon Science!

Try a Sciencedipity experiment!

Find out how to make a fun bubble snake.

Can you make an egg bounce?

Find out with this fun experiment from the Science Museum.
Click here for the step by step guide >

Make a balloon car

This video from Science Buddies shows you how to make a balloon car from recycled materials.

For written instructions click here >

Brian Cox Royal Society Science Challenges

We’ve chosen a couple of experiments you could try on the website!

Do plants need soil to grow?

Find out how to investigate >

What factors affect the pitch and the volume of sound?

Find out how to investigate >

Scientist fact file

Create a fact file on a famous scientist. Find out scientist you think has done amazing things then make your file in a programme of your choice such as Word or Google Slides.

Try including these points:

  • Their name
  • When they were born
  • Where they were born
  • What they are most famous for
  • 5 facts people might not know
  • Why you are inspired by them

Frisbee challenge

Find out what would be the best material to make a frisbee out of that you can find in your home. Test out a couple of materials and let us know how well they fly!

Join a science club

If your school or community has a science club, get involved and let us know what you get up to!

Boat and egg challenge

Can you design a ‘boat’ that will hold an egg and not sink?

Visit a science centre or museum

Such as – History of Science Museum Oxford, Science Museum London, Winchester Science Centre, National Space Centre Leicester.

Terms and conditions

  • The Young Achievers Award is open to children aged 10 and under who are registered or are registrable as blind or partially sighted
  • Entrants must be permanent residents of the UK
  • For each theme, entrants must complete three activities – one set by VICTA and two of their choice
  • Evidence submission must be completed by a parent/carer
  • By submitting evidence for the award, you agree to your photos/videos, your child’s name and age being used by VICTA, including being displayed on the VICTA website, on our social media channels and on charity emails
  • Please note, the actual badges and medal you receive might differ to the ones in the illustrations

Does your Young Achiever have a sibling that does the award alongside them? We’d like to recognise all those Super Siblings out there – we know you work just as hard as your brother or sister. When you submit your activities, make sure to pop the name of your Super Sibling on the form and we’ll send them a certificate to celebrate their achievements!

Enter your VICTA Young Achievers Science challenges

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
VICTA’s Young Achievers Award aims to improve a child’s confidence, resilience and creativity. Please complete the statements below, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, reflecting your child currently.

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