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VICTA Changemaker Ruqaiya’s Art Ehibition

Can you see me now? An Exhibition by Blind Artist Ruqaiya Asim. Ruqaiya is one of our fantastic VICTA Changemakers and is currently studying a BA in Fine Arts at University College London. She is also the winner of Cass Art Prize, People’s Choice Award 2024. A Tactile Journey Experience how I, as a blind person, navigate the world, break barriers, and challenge stereotypes. Let’s make the world more inclusive! On display between 1st – 29th March 2025. Opening event: Saturday, 1st March, from 11 am – 2 pm. Tea and coffee will be available. Opening hours: Monday [...]

By |February 11, 2025|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, 18 plus, Be Inspired, Create, Education, Young Achievers|Tags: |0 Comments

Young Achiever’s Poetry Win!

'My Special Eyes' by Young Achiever Dotty We want to say a huge congratulations to one of our Young Achievers, Dotty! Dotty recently entered a poetry competition through her school and was selected to have her poem published in the Young Writers Wonderverse anthology, Embracing Moments. We interviewed Dotty to find out more about her poem 'My Special Eyes'. Dotty wrote her poem in braille, and it was transcribed into print for the anthology. You can read Dotty's champion work below - well done Dotty! My Special Eyes I have special eyes They [...]

By |January 28, 2025|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, 18 plus, Be Inspired, Create, Education, Young Achievers|Tags: |0 Comments

Tactile Times Online Advent Calendar

Tactile Times are in the Christmas Spirit! Tactile Times have just launched their fully accessible, online advent calendar for the third year in a row. Are you tired of print advent calendars that just feel like...well...paper? This one is different. It is fully accessible with all major screen readers using a computer or phone, and you can access it with a BrailleNote Touch as well. You might even hear a few familiar voices along the way! You can visit it to open the first couple of doors right now.  Tactile Times will have a new [...]

The Verses That Make Us: A Personal Journey Through Change

VICTA Changemakers Blindness Awareness Month By Ellie Wallwork In mid September, I stood on a stage with a band arrayed behind me, four pages of braille paper clutched in my hand. I'm an actor but I felt the most acute stage fright of my life, voice caught in my throat and knees shaking as if I had run a marathon. I didn't think the words would come - until I started to speak. I hadn't thought of myself as a poet. I used to tap words out on a keyboard when I [...]

Be inspired. VI art student Millie-Jayne’s digital art

Image description: A high contrast digital image. The background image is an abstract photo that has been flooded with colour - bright pink and dark grey, a person is just visible in the centre of the image. In the top-right corner a white flower is overlaid over the other image with transparency allowing the background colours to show through. In the bottom-left there is a blue image overlaid of a tulip with bright yellow accents. Braille dots have been overlaid over the image reading: 'Better to be blind and see with your heart than have two [...]

By |February 7, 2024|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, 18 plus, Arts, Be Inspired, Create, Education, Stand out, Taking control, University|0 Comments

Tactile Times online advent calendar

Tactile Times are getting into the Christmas spirit already and have launched a fully-accessible, online advent calender. If you fancy a change from printed advent calendars this one is fully-accessible with all major screen readers using a computer or a phone and you can access it with a Braillenote Touch. You might even hear a few familiar voices along the way! You can visit it to open the first few door right now: games.tactiletimes.org/advent The will have a new door unlocking each day, and a bumper day on the 24th. It is a great opportunity to [...]

By |December 4, 2023|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, Be Inspired, Create, Employability, Stand out, Taking control, Volunteering|Tags: |0 Comments

New opportunity – World Sight Day 2023 Photo Competition

The IAPB World Sight Day 2023 Photo Competition is an opportunity for amateur and professional photographers to demonstrate their skills and share with the world what they see and what it means to #LoveYourEyes. Closing date: 20 October 2023 Prize: US$750 They are looking for images that capture the range of what it means to have healthy vision. By entering the World Sight Day Photo Competition, your images become an important part of raising awareness and celebrating why everyone counts and no one should be left behind. There are four categories to help guide your [...]

By |October 10, 2023|Categories: 18 plus, Competition, Create, Opportunities, Opportunity closed|0 Comments

Be inspired. Tune in to Lee’s first radio show!

As part of our #BlindnessAwarenessMonth celebrations, we chatted to Lee Roake about his fantastic achievement, launching his first radio show! Lee is a 17 year old with a rare genetic condition called WAGR Syndrome. Due to his vision impairment, Lee has been involved in VICTA activities from a young age, now taking part in our activities for 14 to 17 years. Lee has just started his very own radio show on Surrey Hills Radio and tells us how his volunteering led to this dream opportunity! Did you miss Lee's [...]

By |October 10, 2023|Categories: 10 to 13, 14 to 17, Be Inspired, Create, Employability, Stand out, Taking control, Volunteering|Tags: |0 Comments

Things that make me feel joyful

A poem by Mahalia Creft The blue-purple hue of an early early morning as I lay twisted up in yellow with my eyes just barely open. The taste of chocolate melding deep into the corners of my taste-buds as I sneak a stray biscuit before mum brings in a “proper” breakfast. The feel of a warm plate on my lap when the sun is at its highest point and my belly is at its largest. The scent of something sweet, ringing melodically in my nostrils and my throat. The sound of music that I hear, caressing the innards [...]

By |June 17, 2023|Categories: 14 to 17, 18 plus, Arts, Create, Life skills, Strive, Taking control, Wellbeing|Tags: |0 Comments

New opportunity – BBC Young Reporter 2023

BBC Young Reporter Competition 2023 The BBC Young Reporter Competition is open until Friday 31 March 2023 for ages 11-18. Share your story for the chance to have it produced with the help of BBC journalists, producers and programme makers for broadcast on TV, radio, online or on social media. The theme is ‘Me and My World’ - entries can be written or recorded as a short video or audio clip. You can enter as an individual or as a group. Find out all about the competition and how to enter here: bbc.co.uk/teach/young-reporter/competition/zghcydm You'll find all of [...]

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