Introducing the VICTA Changemakers

We’re excited to introduce to you our team of VICTA Changemakers for 2024! Passionate about sharing their views on the topics that matter to young vision impaired people, they’ll be bringing you their stories, videos, podcasts and more across the year. So watch this space and stayed tuned.

It’s time to meet our Changemakers, find out what they enjoy, what inspires them, and what they’d like to change about the world.

Lucy is riding a horse on a beach with the sea behind. The horse is a tan colour and has a white stripe on their nose. Lucy wears riding gear and a horse riding hat with a bobble on top.

Hi, my name is Lucy Booker Wilson…

I have recently finished my A-levels in biology, chemistry, maths and English and am starting university in September, studying biology. A fun fact about me is I’m absolutely horse crazy and love competing in all disciplines. If I could change one thing in the world it would be ensuring enough information is available about sight loss to stop prejudice.

Kieran is standing outside dressed smartly for an occasion. He is wearing a black shirt and a beige dinner jacket.

My name is Kieran Clarke…

I am 23 years of age and currently living in Birmingham. I am honoured to be part of the England Blind football men’s team. I am also a qualified judo instructor and Brazilian jujitsu competitor. I am a massive fitness enthusiast, and if I could change one thing about the world, I would make everybody gym freaks.

Follow Kieran…

Instagram: @kierankareem

TikTok: @eyecantsee__

Scarlett is smiling standing in front of an indoor swimming pool. She has long brown hair and wears glasses and a red zip-up British Swimming Championship tracksuit top.

Hello, my name is Scarlett Humphrey…

I am 19 years old and I am currently on a gap year after completing my A-Levels. My hobbies include: playing the piano and flute, listening to sport on the radio, and swimming. I also enjoy listening to audiobooks and languages. If I could change one thing, I would have all written material, such as books and music, in a format that all could access so that there are no barriers and people are not disadvantaged.

Follow Scarlett and Eliza…

Instagram: @humphrey_sisters

Eliza is standing on her patio smiling, she is smartly dressed wearing a light pink laced top and a black blazer. She has long brown hair and wears glasses.

Hi, my name is Eliza Humphrey…

I am currently on a gap year, after completing my A-levels in the summer of 2023. I have many interests, which includes reading, music and sport. I compete in para-swimming, which keeps me busy, and also enjoy listening to sport on the radio. In my free time, I also play the piano and saxophone.

If I could change one thing in the world, I would like to encourage more people to appreciate nature and the environment. Not only is this good for our mental and physical health, but it would also improve people’s actions towards the environment and global warming.

Follow Scarlett and Eliza…

Instagram: @humphrey_sisters

A cut-out image of Tegan's profile. She has blue hair and is singing into a microphone.

Hey! My name is Tegan Skyrme…

I’m 18 years old. I am a passionate activist for disability rights, mental health, the LGBTQ+ community, and various other areas where I feel people’s voices, especially young people’s, are not being heard. I’m excited to be a part of the Changemaker programme and hope that we can help to make a difference!

As a singer/songwriter, I love expressing my passions through my music. Sometimes, all it takes is sitting down with my guitar to get my thoughts and feelings out there. Currently, I’m studying song writing and music production at university.

A fun fact about me is that I love riding horses, which has been a hobby of mine for a few years now. I just love animals! If I could change one thing about the world, it would be to get rid of discrimination. Nobody should be treated differently because of their race, gender, disability, or sexuality.

Follow Tegan…

TikTok: @tegan_blind_star

Instagram: @teganstar100

Soundcloud: Tegan Star

Grace is stood in a studio singing happily into a microphone. She has long brown hair and wears a peach t-shirt and holds a white handbag.

Hey, my name is Grace Hill…

I am 24 years old and I live in Suffolk. I work part-time in service user participation in mental health in the NHS, using my own experiences and representing the voice of young people to help them improve the system and speak up for the care they deserve. Outside of work I try to volunteer as much as I can, both inside and outside of the VI sector, and I am incredibly creative with writing, music and (brutally bad) dancing. I have been a massive fan of Kiss FM since I was very young, and the dream of being played on Kiss as an artist is one of my main motivations to take care of every aspect of my health, even on the hardest of days. Fun fact: I have been playing piano, both self taught and with lessons, since I was around 4 years old. If I could change one thing about the world, it would be to get rid of as much social pressure as possible. I find myself personally frustrated, particularly in recent years, with the belief that as we grow up we have to fit in and mask over the parts of us that aren’t ‘perfect.’ I wish we could all just be ourselves without shame, because it is our differences that make us great and set us on the road to where we want to be.

Ellie is facing towards the sky smiling with her eyes closed and wind blowing through her hair. She is wearing a knitted jumper and dungarees and standing in a wooden boat with oars. It is a very atmospheric image with a movie like quality.

I’m Ellie Wallwork…

I’m a VI, LGBTQ+  actor and writer based near Brighton. Even though I do it for a career, I still sometimes get stage fright before a show or when I’m presenting. If I could change one thing in the world, it would be the perception and representation of visual impairment in the arts – it’s something I’ve always been hugely passionate about.

Rhiana stands outside holding her white cane. She is wearing a navy hoodie and has short brown hair. Next to her Rhiana's cavapoo looks up at her. He is wearing a blue coat.

My name is Rhiana Ralls…

I am currently volunteering in a school with my dog as a reading dog (with the Burns by your Side organisation). A fun fact about me is that I like nature and I volunteer in the children’s ward at Glangwili Hospital. I would like to change climate change and people’s attitude to vision impairment and other disabilities.

A portrait photo of Lee looking to camera. He has short brown hair and wears a white t-shirt.

My name is Lee Roake…

I have an ultra-rare genetic condition called WAGR Syndrome. This means I am registered blind. I have been really lucky to be supported by some wonderful charities. I am currently studying media at college. I am also a presenter of the ‘Feel Good Show’ on Surrey Hills Community Radio every 4th Saturday of the month between 6 and 8pm. I would like to continue making the world more inclusive and accessible for all.

Follow Lee…

Instagram: @roakelee

TikTok: @roakelee

Me and my Guide Dog Bertie. Bertie is a golden retriever he is wearing his Guide Dogs harness standing by my side smiling at the camera. I am stood next to him I have long dark hair, brown skin, wearing sunglasses, A full sleeves dark top and a pair of black geans. This photo was taken outside there is a small canal in the background and a building towards the back on the left.

Hi! My name is Ruqaiya Asim…

I’m  a mixed media artist, studying Fine Art at the Slade School of Art. My artistic practice is about disability awareness, accessibility and sharing my experience as a blind person. A fun fact about me is that I love animals, I’ve got a cat and a guide dog. If I could change one thing in the world it would be societies perception on disability, I wish they’d see us as people. You can also find me Instagram, TikTok and YouTube

Kiranjeet is relaxing in a wicker chair out on some decking. He is wearing a grey Nike tracksuit and a black beanie and sunglasses, looking off into the distance.

My name is Kiranjeet Khurana…

I am currently a full-time student at Kingston University. I am studying a bachelors degree in law in hopes to pursue my career goals of becoming a solicitor. In addition to this, I am also a professional beatboxer and I’m currently training for the world beatbox championships happening in December. If I could change anything in the world, I would probably start off by fixing England’s bipolar weather 😂 in all seriousness though, I’d love to live in a world where people with disabilities can live a life with absolutely no limitations.

Keep an eye out for my future posts and follow my adventure on this project💪

Follow Kiranjeet…

Instagram: @karan_khurana__03

Ben is standing in a living room holding an acoustic guitar ready to play. He has dark hair and wears a black t-shirt.

Bennett Pierce

Student of Art, Media, and English, and also an independent game developer (GDScript and Unreal). I have made a multimedia video game where you play as Robin Hood trying to catch geese around real locations in Nottingham. Something I would like to change if I had the power is making sure all crosswalks have working rotation knobs.

Ambi is steering a boat with the sea and blue sky in the background and a few white clouds. She is smiling happily and wearing a cap, bright pink waterproof coat, a buoyancy aid and sunglasses.

My name is Ambi K…

I am currently self-employed, working in holistic health and studying. A fun fact about myself is that I play 3 instruments, If I could change one thing in the world,  I’d increase awareness that prevention is better than cure by investing more in public health campaigns, with an emphasis on holistic interventions. This would encourage proactive (rather than reactive) behaviour, empowering people to follow healthier lifestyles.

 This pic was of me at Man United stadium as I am a united fan. Ikra sits on a bench with a Man United shirt hanging behind her - the shirt has the number 23 and the name SHAW. Ikra is wearing a Man United scarf and is holding her white cane.

Hi! My name is Ikra Shakoor…

I am 27 years old and from Bradford. I have a condition called Bardet Biedal Syndrone which is a rare genetic condition which can affect different part of your body and I also have an eye condition called RP and cataracts. I am studying psychology with counselling at Leeds Arden University. I am also starting my own business in mentoring and life coaching. My hobbies are being a MMA fighter, playing and watching football, playing darts, going to the gym and Youtube.

Bilaal stands outside holding a football which is red and gold. He wears a grey Adidas tracksuit top.

My name is Bilaal Ali

I’m severely blind male age 21 from Sheffield. I am currently studying accounting and finance at Sheffield Hallam university- just finished my second year and moving onto doing a placement at my current workplace Nicholson and co accountancy as an assistant accountant. I play blind football and tennis go gym swimming and love going to the cinema. If I was to change one thing it will be how the environment is with the amount of littering people do.

Abu is wearing a black cap and a green Manchester United shirt and a black jacket. He is standing outside the grounds and is holding a folded up white cane.

Abu-bakr Ishtiaq

I am registered blind – severely sight impaired with a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa RP with Laurence Moon Biedl syndrome and I also have tunnel vision. I am a passionate and confident presenter on my community radio station I also have a degree in computing. I am a passionate about watching and playing sports and I have my own podcast that I set up in lockdown. One thing that I would tell you as a fun fact about myself is that I always have a smile on me and always stay happy and stay positive. One thing that I would change in life is that one day if a radio station or the sporting industry give me a fantastic job on the radio or on the sports platforms, or with technology because I love assistive technology and giving other people the knowledge of how to use assistive technology.

Follow Abu…

TikTok @lifewithabu

Instagram: @abubakrishtiaq

A portrait photo of Mohammed. He is wearing a black t-shirt and has short black hair.

My name is Mohammed Alomrani…

I am an international student from Saudi Arabia, studying a degree in Digital Education. A fun fact about me is that I really like tea. If I had the chance, I would make all video games accessible for the visually impaired.

Follow Mohammed…

Instagram: @mo_alomrani

Tilly in front of Big Ben after running the marathon

My name is Tilly…

I am a University student who is studying multimedia and journalism. I Love to read and I enjoy good music. If I could’ve change anything in the world it would be that English McDonald’s could start serving beer like they do in other countries.

Greetings, my name is Talha...

I’m a creative writing student, studying at Kingston university. A fun fact about me is that I am a story teller. I create and perform my stories live bringing my characters to life through voice acting. I aspire to become an author and to continue my passion for voice acting. If there was one thing I could change about the world, it is that I would become the next king of England!

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