Opportunity focus
Thomas Pocklington Trust

Let’s Talk Volunteering – Join Thomas Pocklington Trust’s online event

As part of Student Volunteering Week, which is celebrated from Monday 12 to Sunday 19 February 2023, TPT Young Voices and their Student Voices group is holding a free online event – ‘Let’s Talk Volunteering!’.  This will be an opportunity for young people and students to find out more about volunteering, how to get involved, how others manage volunteering as a student, and ask any burning questions to those who have gone through volunteering and into internships and employment!

The event will be held on Zoom on Sunday 19 February at 5pm to 6pm.

You can find out more information about the event, and sign up, by following this link to the TPT website:


Young Voices Applications – Limited Time Only!

TPT have also extended applications for their final spots for our Young Voices group! This event is a great opportunity for young people to come along, find out more about Young Voices and take that step to applying for the group. Applications will be open until Friday 24 February and will be closed for the foreseeable future after this, they have a full group, but are looking for those final stars to join.

For more information contact Sally Carpenter at: sally.carpenter@pocklington-trust.org.uk