
Looking after your wellbeing is essential to being your best self. Find out what support is available to keep your wellbeing protected.


Looking after your wellbeing is essential to being your best self. Find out what support is available to keep your wellbeing protected.


Looking after your wellbeing is essential to being your best self. Find out what support is available to keep your wellbeing protected.

I cared for my wellbeing by…


“I’ve learned to value the gravity of self-expression over time, and appreciate the ways in which my hobbies and interests can contribute to better mental health.”

keeping fit

“I felt freedom whilst partaking in sports. Every little bit of built up emotions and feelings I could release whilst cycling, playing football again and even swimming.”


“Being in the garden is a great way to spend time in the fresh air, and also improves mental health and emotional well-being.  I hope this article inspires you to try it.”

I cared for my wellbeing by …

expressing myself

“I’ve learned to value the gravity of self-expression over time, and appreciate the ways in which my hobbies and interests can contribute to better mental health.”

keeping fit

“I felt freedom whilst partaking in sports. Every little bit of built up emotions and feelings I could release whilst cycling, playing football again and even swimming.”


“Being in the garden is a great way to spend time in the fresh air, and also improves mental health and emotional well-being.  I hope this article inspires you to try it.”

Getting the right support

Coping with anxiety

Anxiety can feel overwhelming sometimes, but Childline offer advice to help you cope. They look at how you may feel when you are suffering from anxiety, the different forms of anxiety and ways to help you cope.

BBC Newsround

What makes you happy? What is a mental health problem? Why is it important to talk about how we feel? BBC Newsround have some videos for you to watch all around the important topic of mental health.

Wilderness Foundation

The Wilderness Foundation offers fun activities dedicated to supporting nature and wild places to flourish whilst also helping people to reconnect with nature and be the best they can be, both mentally and physically.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.

Look after your wellbeing

Find your

Try a new sport and be part of a team. Together you can learn lots of new skills to benefit your future. Find out what opportunities are available to you.

Try some crafts at home

Art can be therapeutic, learn to tie-dye with Ruqaiya or paint and hide a tactile rock to spread some positivity.

John Muir Award

Calling all nature lovers. Connect with the environment, enjoy and care for wild places while earning yourself a recognised national award. A fantastic way to delve into nature, give back and feel good about yourself.

Look after your wellbeing

Find your team

Try a new sport and be part of a team. Together you can learn lots of new skills to benefit your future. Find out what opportunities are available to you.

Try some crafts at home

Art can be therapeutic, learn to tie-dye with Ruqaiya or paint and hide a tactile rock to spread some positivity.

John Muir Award

Calling all nature lovers. Connect with the environment, enjoy and care for wild places while earning yourself a recognised national award. A fantastic way to delve into nature, give back and feel good about yourself.

Your experiences

Read and share!

Things that make me feel joyful

June 17, 2023|0 Comments

A poem by Mahalia Creft The blue-purple hue of an early early morning as I lay twisted up in yellow with my eyes just barely open. The taste of chocolate melding deep into [...]