By Sam Roberts

Hi everyone, my name is Sam Roberts and I am a Young Ambassador for VICTA. I live what I call a ‘no limits lifestyle’ where I tell myself every day that there is nothing we can’t achieve, the only person that is stopping you from reaching your goals is yourself.

Over the last six months I have been working hard on progressing my white water kayaking skills, with the ambition of taking on the white water of the River Dee. No limits means pushing your boundaries, reaching further than you’ve ever reached before and never letting anything get in your way, regardless of what disability you have in life.

Achieving this kayaking goal gave me a massive sense of pride and accomplishment that I’ve never had before in my entire life, including when I had my eyesight. There is no better feeling than working hard for something you want and then making it happen and doing it all with a smile on your face. I feel we should all have a ‘no limits life’ whether that’s achieving little goals every day that you never thought you could do or planning something bigger than you ever could have imagined.

I hope you enjoy my videos and if anybody would like to get in contact with me for any questions I would be happy to help.

White water kayaking blind : NO LIMITS

Sam tells us about how his determination to live a no limits lifestyle pushed him to achieve his ambition of kayaking on the white waters of the River Dee. Listen to him talk and watch footage taken from his GoPro as he navigated the waters.

Blind golf : NO LIMITS

Sam tells us how he took up golf after losing his sight and how he plays as a blind player.

About Sam…

Hey everyone, my name is Sam Roberts I’m 28 years old and I’m from a small town called Rhyl in North Wales. I lost my eyesight in August 2020 due to a rare condition called ‘graft versus host’ after having leukaemia, meningitis and a double lung transplant. But this isn’t one of those talent shows like X Factor where I share my sob stories with you whilst an emotional Coldplay song gets played in the background. I wanted to share some of the things with you that I enjoy doing in my life since becoming registered blind.

I’m a massive sports fan and any chance I get I try and fill my time up with any physical activity such as golf, surfing or baseball in which I just had the amazing opportunity to represent the UK in Italy. As well as sports I am massively into music and I’ve spent most of my life playing the guitar in bands and gigging in pubs all over the country. By the way, it doesn’t matter where you gig there will always be some drunk person shouting “play Oasis” at you but unfortunately it’s just part of the package of playing guitar.

Since losing my eyesight, I’ve also really enjoyed travelling all over the world. As much as I love Wales I always felt I wanted to see more, so over the last few years I have spent Christmas in Chicago, skied the Austrian mountains and I am currently looking at where my next adventure could be. I live what is called a no limits lifestyle and what that is to me is not having any regrets, not letting anybody tell you you can’t do anything and go out there and change the perception of people with disabilities, it’s your life so go make it extraordinary.

Follow me on Instagram: @turnablindeyepodcast

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