We’re proud to be taking part in Place2Be’s #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek
(5-11 February 2024).
This year’s theme is My Voice Matters, and @Place2Be hopes to empower, equip and give a voice to every child in the UK.
They’ve highlighted 10 ways that you can look after your mental health…
Top tips for young people
- Don’t keep it all to yourself and spend too much time in your own head. This can sometimes make it keep piling up, and make you feel worse.
- Talk to someone you trust and feel comfortable with– a teacher, parent, sibling, cousin, friend… if you can’t think of anyone and need to talk, try talking to someone like Shout by texting SHOUT to 85258 for free.
- Write your thoughts and feelings down.
- Keep in contact with people, don’t isolate yourself.
- Don’t dismiss your feelings because you think they aren’t valid. Everything you feel is valid and important to you.
- Focus on the good parts of your life and doing what you love, rather than the negative.
- If you feel like harming yourself then tell someone you trust and distract yourself in the meanwhile.
- Do something you enjoy to help you relax and have a break – watch a film, play a game, watch your favourite YouTuber, listen to music.
- Be your own best friend because at the end of the day, you’re stuck with you – so look after yourself!
- Remember that you’re not alone, even if it sometimes feels like you are.
Fun ways to get involved
Taskmaster task!
You’ve got until Sunday 11 February at 5pm to attempt this and share your efforts using the hashtag #UpsideDownTask on social media. Tag us @VICTAUK so we can see your attempt!
Visit our mental health resources on the Student Portal
For 10 to 13 years > For 14 to 17 years > For 18 plus >
Sharing stories around mental health
Share your thoughts
Let us know in the comments below, your hints and tips on how connecting with others can help promote positive mental health.